I am working on a post to catch up with TONS of pictures. However, Cannon doesn't appreciate me taking a long time away from him. Stay tuned and you'll get more pictures than you can imagine.
In the mean time, I would like to ask you to remember my mother-in-law, Leona in your prayers. She had surgery to remove a small tumor from her back on Thursday. The surgery went great, but we are awaiting pathology results, they were sent to Baylor so it is taking a while. Please pray that preliminary results were completely WRONG.
With love,
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
HUGE POST- Thanksgiving to January
OKAY...here is a big catch up. Most of you know that blogger can be very hard to work with sometimes. I have finally gotten all the pics up, and captioned some. There is weird spacing and I appogize. Hope you all enjoy!
Here is our family picture at the big rocks in Madill. Where we spend Thanksgiving every year. It was so great to have Cannon there this year.

Granmomma, Cannon, & Grandaddy

Uncle Andrew and Cannon

My brother and I with Cannon.

Grandaddy and Cannon.

Cousin Sarah and Cannon.

Playing at the playground.

Cannon playing in this box.
Cannon's first snow. It had started on my way home from work, and I wanted to get a picture with Cannon. I didn't want to take him out in the cold, as you can see he was already ready for bed. So we tried to get it from inside. Then we tried on the porch.

Neither worked so I ran out, squated down and got this awful picture of both of us. It's bad, but we got a picture of Cannon in his first snow ever.
At least he was happy when we came back in. See the snow in his hair?

So Trey got a better one the next day. You can see that he has the camera screen flipped and forgot to look at the lens intstead of the screen. :)

Cannon in his stander. He LOVES it!

This one is a loaner, and they are supposed to be ordering his own, with a tray.

One cold day, trying out one of the hats Memaw made C.

playing ball with Pawpaw
Cannon had 2 birthday parties this is the first one in Kingwood.

Here's the cake my cousin Karen and I made.

And him with his smash cake.

He didn't like this.

And LOVES money...we are in big trouble!!

Yea! Such a big boy!

Wow! Drums!

One of his favorite toys, he got from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jodie.

We were so excited because he put a wrapped reeses peanut butter cup in his mouth. I was so proud that I unwrapped it and gave it to him. first time he put anything in his own mouth.

Then we went to see Santa, he should really learn how to hold babies better.

I love the way he was looking at my mom in this picture.

Cannon opening up his new chair he got from Grammie and Pawpaw.

So Cute!

More presents!

Pawpaw had to leave to go back to work, so we took some quick pics in the show before he left.

Having a taste!


Cannon and Grammie

Cannon and cousin Samantha

Out playing with Grammie and Aunt Laura

On the knee board, behind the 4 wheeler -so FUN!
Grandaddy and Granmomma made a snowman in our backyard

Being silly with Grandaddy!

So excited to sit in my BIG boy carseat!!

Cannon's 1st birthday party in Clyde

Sunday lunch at Fazzoli's

Uncle B let me eat his pizza, it was GREAT!!!!!

Here we are at Cook Children's waiting for the MRI. It was a long hard day.

Cannon woke up from his anesthesia in a horrible mood, I however didn't blame him at all.

Cannon playing with Wyatt's new toy. The boys birthdays are right around the corner from each other. Angie and I raced to the finish line when we were pregnant. Her due date was about a week before mine, but since Cannon was a scheduled C-section...we won!!! LOL!

Grammie and Pawpaw got C this wagon for his birthday. We added his carseat for extra support. I would hate for him to fall over in it, and not want to get back in. He sure enjoyed the ride from Keanna! He loves his Keanna!

Cannon has also made big progress with feeding. He will feed himself now. But only with the right hand. If you had him something in the left hand, or if he picks it up with the left he will switch hands before putting it in his mouth. It is so cute and funny...however we are working to get that left hand doing more.
Here is our family picture at the big rocks in Madill. Where we spend Thanksgiving every year. It was so great to have Cannon there this year.
Granmomma, Cannon, & Grandaddy
Uncle Andrew and Cannon
My brother and I with Cannon.
Grandaddy and Cannon.
He did really well for this LONG photo shoot.
year for me to get up there.
Cousin Sarah and Cannon.
Playing at the playground.
Cannon playing in this box.
Cannon's first snow. It had started on my way home from work, and I wanted to get a picture with Cannon. I didn't want to take him out in the cold, as you can see he was already ready for bed. So we tried to get it from inside. Then we tried on the porch.
Neither worked so I ran out, squated down and got this awful picture of both of us. It's bad, but we got a picture of Cannon in his first snow ever.
At least he was happy when we came back in. See the snow in his hair?
So Trey got a better one the next day. You can see that he has the camera screen flipped and forgot to look at the lens intstead of the screen. :)
Cannon in his stander. He LOVES it!
This one is a loaner, and they are supposed to be ordering his own, with a tray.
One cold day, trying out one of the hats Memaw made C.
playing ball with Pawpaw
Cannon had 2 birthday parties this is the first one in Kingwood.
Cannon and Aunt Marilyn.
Here's the cake my cousin Karen and I made.
And him with his smash cake.
He didn't like this.
Much less touching it.

Presents were a totally different story. He has gotten quite good at unwrapping gifts.
Presents were a totally different story. He has gotten quite good at unwrapping gifts.
And LOVES money...we are in big trouble!!
Yea! Such a big boy!
Cannon and Paisley
Wow! Drums!
One of his favorite toys, he got from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jodie.
And my learning table from Granmomma and Grandaddy
We were so excited because he put a wrapped reeses peanut butter cup in his mouth. I was so proud that I unwrapped it and gave it to him. first time he put anything in his own mouth.
Then we went to see Santa, he should really learn how to hold babies better.
Gee and Jax, Ali and Cannon
Kaden and Cannon
We had wanted to stop and get Cannon's picture with these BIG presents, and since we left him with Mom and Dad for the remainder of the week, they stopped for us.
I love the way he was looking at my mom in this picture.
Grandaddy, Granmomma, and Cannon made the long trip from Houston on Christmas Eve in the snow and ice. It took them like 14 hours. It was awful, and the almost got stuck in a town about 15 minutes from our house for the night. I was so upset for them to be away from me on Cannon's first Christmas morning. Although with some help from Trey's friend Donald, they finally made it to our house.
It was so pretty to wake up Christmas morning with snow on the ground. Then Trey, Cannon and I went to Grammie and Pawpaw's for Christmas and snow play.
Cannon opening up his new chair he got from Grammie and Pawpaw.
So Cute!
More presents!
Cannon and Uncle Travis
Pawpaw had to leave to go back to work, so we took some quick pics in the show before he left.
Having a taste!
Cannon and Grammie
Cannon and cousin Samantha
Out playing with Grammie and Aunt Laura
On the knee board, behind the 4 wheeler -so FUN!
Grandaddy and Granmomma made a snowman in our backyard
while we are at Pawpaw and Grammie's.
Being silly with Grandaddy!
Cannon and Chika
So excited to sit in my BIG boy carseat!!
Cannon's 1st birthday party in Clyde
All the loot, I really made out well!
Sunday lunch at Fazzoli's
Ready for the big game...HOOK'EM HORNS!!!
We were soooo disappointed. This is Cannon before we left for Ft. Worth for and appointment.
Uncle B let me eat his pizza, it was GREAT!!!!!
Then I crashed
Here we are at Cook Children's waiting for the MRI. It was a long hard day.
Cannon woke up from his anesthesia in a horrible mood, I however didn't blame him at all.
He was in a purple gown all day, woke up after being poked 3 times, hadn't had anything to eat since the night before. It was so sad seeing him this way again. Especially after seeing him so happy for a year now.
He we are, much happier the next day...playing baseball with Daddy.

This cute outfit came from some of Mommy's favorite patients at work.
This cute outfit came from some of Mommy's favorite patients at work.
Cannon playing with Wyatt's new toy. The boys birthdays are right around the corner from each other. Angie and I raced to the finish line when we were pregnant. Her due date was about a week before mine, but since Cannon was a scheduled C-section...we won!!! LOL!
Cannon and Wyatt will be best of friends!
We have been working really hard at drinking from a sippy cup. Here Cannon is doing a great job. We still haven't mastered it. However he has gotten pretty got at holding his bottle. We are continuing to make small steps, but the are progressive. And we'll take any steps, no matter the size!
Grammie and Pawpaw got C this wagon for his birthday. We added his carseat for extra support. I would hate for him to fall over in it, and not want to get back in. He sure enjoyed the ride from Keanna! He loves his Keanna!
Wasn't happening. :(

Cannon did so well being fitted for his glasses. I had a picture from the fitting but blogger just deleted it as I was typing. IDK? He never once got mad or tried to pull them off. I was so proud. For those of you that don't know. We have been patching Cannon's stong eye to try and correct his lazy one. We went back to see Dr. Packwood Jan. 14th and he thought it was time to get glasses. She we did...and here he is. He looks like such a big boy!
Cannon did so well being fitted for his glasses. I had a picture from the fitting but blogger just deleted it as I was typing. IDK? He never once got mad or tried to pull them off. I was so proud. For those of you that don't know. We have been patching Cannon's stong eye to try and correct his lazy one. We went back to see Dr. Packwood Jan. 14th and he thought it was time to get glasses. She we did...and here he is. He looks like such a big boy!
Cannon has also made big progress with feeding. He will feed himself now. But only with the right hand. If you had him something in the left hand, or if he picks it up with the left he will switch hands before putting it in his mouth. It is so cute and funny...however we are working to get that left hand doing more.
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