Trey and Ali are still having trouble getting posts to upload. I was in town this weekend and got TONS of pictures!! They are all doing well. Cannon is growing and adjusting and making progress every day. He's getting so big and looks VERY much like his Daddy's baby pictures. Very cute, if I do say so always, I'm only a little partial! Here we go...I hope I can remember the correct order! I'm not sure where this first one goes, but it's just too cute not to share! (the writing for some of the pictures is below the picture it "describes")

Guard Dog!

First Valentine's Day

2 month "birthday"

Love this one! What guy doesn't like to sit around shirtless after a good meal?! Look at that FULL tummy!

Uncle Andrew

This one was last night. As Ali said, "Tuckered out" after a busy day.
So sweet! Thank you all for you continued prayers for our sweet baby Cannon!!
*the spacing is all "weird" but blogger is not letting me fix it. I'm sorry, but lets face it, you only come for the pictures anyways! :)